Friday, May 10, 2013


Arrived in Beautiful Amsterdam this morning around 10:30. It has been a windy day, but no rain so we are happy. Our flight over was as long as 9 hours can possibly be, but uneventful and that is what you want on an airplane.
We did a lot of walking today, just trying to stay awake to adjust to the 9 hour time difference.
Our first beer of the trip was in a delightful little corner bar called Harlem Soul Food. Our sandwiches were awesome, the beer was cold and it was the perfect place to sit and people watch as It is on a pedestrian busy street.
We did give in and have a short nap before heading out to check out the night sights......which are always interesting in this city.
We are looking forward to a good nights sleep and lots more exploring tomorrow.....stay tuned

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