Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Last night we celebrated our journey into Germany with a bit of a dancing party after dinner. A good time was had by all, and it was quite obvious with all the empty chairs at breakfast, as to who had the best time.
We travelled all night and woke up this morning in Cologne. We did a walking tour around town and saw the amazing Kolner Dom, the Cologne Cathedral. Even after all the cathedrals, churches and Duomos we have seen, this one is spectacular. The foundation was laid in 1248, building was halted in the 1400's, and then restarted in the 19th century, completion in 1880. They were able to complete the building according to the original plans, after finding them for sale in a flea market in Paris. It is the most visited landmark in Germany, has the largest facade of any church in the world, and the second tallest spires in Europe. Walking into the cathedral is incredible. The arched ceiling and stained glass are gorgeous. Tom and I walked around to see the Shrine of the Three Kings, which is said to hold the remains of the three wise men. I decided to go for a closer picture and leaned over the burning candles to get a good shot....and that was when my scarf caught on fire. I was able to rescue it from the flames without too much damage, but have found myself singing Alicia Keyes "this girl is on fire" for the rest of the day.
We also spent an hour or so this afternoon at a great brauhaus hoisting a few great German beers. It was a great day.
We have an early date with a castle tomorrow, so calling it an early night. tomorrow the scenery is supposed to be amazing.......stay tuned

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