Tuesday, October 16, 2012


We arrived in sunny Amsterdam yesterday, after a scenic train ride from Brugge. Beautiful countryside, small towns, farms, and the occasional windmill.
We are staying in a great little B&B in a canal house, with a stunning view.
We spent most of today walking around town, enjoying the sights and doing a bit of shopping, before rediscovering an amazing little bar we found on our 2008 trip.
It is a liqueur tasting bar called "Wynand Fockink" and is the oldest bar in Amsterdam, open since 1679. It is tucked away in a tiny alley behind Dam Square.
We arrived just at opening (3pm) and were the only customers for the first half hour or so. The fellow serving, Hans, was so much fun, and when we said we weren't sure what we wanted to drink, he said "ok, let's start here" and he proceeded to pour samples. We started with samples of genevers...Dutch gin. When I said I might like something with raspberry, out came 3 bottles and a sample of each. Tom sampled various cherry liqueurs until he found one he loved. We had each tried 5 or 6 samples before settling on what we would order. This bar is known for the service they give to each and every customer. Hans gave us a little art and history lesson in between samples. When he finally poured our drink, it was almost overflowing, the liquid is higher than the rim of the glass, forcing you to indulge in the 300 year old custom of leaning forward and slurping the first sip before raising your glass, so as not to spill any. When we left about an hour later, the place was packed with locals on their way home from work.
It was a great way to end a great afternoon.
We are now thinking about heading out for dinner and one last stroll around the canals.
This morning I woke early to the chiming of church bells, and thought, how lucky am I? To be listening to this beautiful sound, in a beautiful city in Europe, I felt like a kid on Christmas eve. Although we have our favorite days, this whole vacation has been like this, one amazing experience after another. We have so many wonderful memories to take back with us and cherish.......Looking forward to seeing our loved ones at home.

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