Tuesday, May 28, 2013


On Tuesday, we took an hour drive through the Czech countryside into central Bohemia, to a small town, Kutna Hora. The drive was pretty, and reminded us of the interior of B.C. The town has been mining silver for over 1000 years. The big attraction for us was the Sedlec Ossuary, a small Roman Catholic chapel better known as The Bone Church. After the Black Plague swept through the area in the mid 14th century, the cemetery had grown so large that the town needed some of the space back. They dug up over 40,000 bodies and and a half blind monk was told to stack the bones in the church. In the late 1800's a woodcarver was hired to " put the bones in order". The chandelier is made using every single bone found in the human body. The results are quite amazing.

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