Thursday, May 26, 2016


We really enjoyed our week in Botswana. I don't want to play favourites, because each country we have visited has given us very special memories, but it is very easy to love this country. I think we all felt a level of comfort that we didn't quite get until we were here.

Chobe National Park was amazing, from almost the minute we entered it, animals were very plentiful.

3 lionesses enjoying their afternoon siesta.

Mababe was one of the private concessions, or reserves that we visited.

We have just crossed the border back into Zimbabwe, leaving Botswana behind. As we drive down the road, I have a lump in my throat and a few tears in my eyes. Botswana is a beautiful, beautiful country, and the people are gentle and friendly souls.
We saw a few elephants in the distance and I thought to myself, these might be our last elephants, as we are heading back to Victoria Falls ( a one hour drive ) and will regroup and repack for our long journey home which starts tomorrow. Five minutes later we see an elephant on the road, and then one by one, they parade across the road, in front of us. There were 7 or 8 of them, with a few youngsters, including a baby about one month old. Such a special memory to tuck away. Thank you elephants! 

One elephant hung back on the other side of the road and then crossed in front of our van, never taking his eye off us.

Our guide through Botswana, King Solomon, or Solly as we liked to call him. A very knowledgable, patient and good humoured man.

The huge Boabob trees in Botswana are magnificent, and live for hundreds of years, some over a thousand years old. The are nicknamed " the tree of life"....people make food, clothing and medicine from it, animals eat the leaves and fruit. The trunk is often hollow (but still grows) and offers protection from bad weather. At one of the border crossings, they had a Boabob tree with a hollow trunk that they used as a jail cell.
Jane is standing beside this Boabob, you can see how big it is....

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