Friday, May 13, 2016


We are staying at a fabulous tented lodge...

It is in Kruger Park near the Numbi gate.
We can now say we have experienced an outdoor shower under the stars. Each  tented cottage has 2 showers, an indoor and an outdoor, so who wouldn't ?!

Don't really need bellboys when you've got these strong women hanging around....

6AM game drive in an open air vehicle and we were all over the moon with excitement and anticipation. We couldn't have wiped the smiles off our faces if someone had offered us a thousand rand.
Amazing sunrise to start us off....

We are trying very hard not to compare this to our first African experience, because it is so totally different, but equally as awesome, but I will make one interesting comparison. When in Kenya, we had visited 3 game parks before we saw our first lion. On our first drive in Kruger Park, we had seen 4 out of the Big Five -- Buffalo, elephant, lion,and rhino -- before lunch. The leopard is still on our "really, really hope to see" list.
Our first sighting was a few elephants, and our guide Pierre, felt the need to politely reminded us that we must be quiet or we won't be seeing much. Sorry Pierre, it was the inner child that squeeled and started the stampede.

Lion eating an impala

Different lion with very large belly so we figure he already finished his Impala.

Cape the hair, looks like a bad wig.

Nile Crocodile

Impala and one of our favourites, the warthog...aka Pumba

Just another day at the watering hole.....

Just an amazing day followed and we returned to our lodge at sunset with drained camera batteries and hearts full of gratitude.


Stay tuned....

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