Saturday, May 7, 2016


We are finally getting caught up on our sleep, waking up at 9:45 this morning. Hit the market in the square, across from our hotel again. Just love the music and the kids dancing. I tried my hand at the bongo.....not so good, I think my teacher was getting a little frustrated with me. Oh well, it was fun.

Tom made a new friend.....

After lunch at a restaurant up the street, we headed down to the Waterfront for a ride on the Ferris wheel. More great views.

We made it back just in time to meet up with our G Adventures guide for our first meeting.
We met the other traveller who is in our group, a lady from North Delta, another Telus retiree, (that makes 5 out of the 7 in our group) what are the odds!

Our guide, Gail, took us to a nice restaurant and we enjoyed a great meal. 

Was going to try the Warthog ribs, but chickened (literally) out. Making it an early night as we are heading out at the crack of dawn.....stay tuned

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