Tuesday, May 17, 2016


We flew from Johannesburg to Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe yesterday and had our first view of the falls. We could see the spray from the plane window, but it wasn't until we went on a walkabout that we experienced the magnitude of this natural wonder. We went through the gates of the park, and our guide, Wonder (also our driver) gave us some info on the history of how the falls were formed millions of years ago, and how they have moved 8 km over time. When we turned the corner, the roar of the falls just hits you, and everyone of us was giddy with anticipation.  He gave us all capes, we wore them, but you wouldn't know it. We finished our walk 2 hours later, looking like drowned rats......very happy drowned rats!

On our way back to our hotel, we had to pull over twice, to let elephants go by, how incredible is that! We also drove past the oldest baobab tree, between 1,000 and 1,500 years old. It was quite dark by this time, but still a beautiful sight.

We were warmly welcomed into a family home for dinner. It deserves more words in my blog than I have time for now, so will share the experience later.
Off on our helicopter ride after breakfast......can't believe how many things I am ticking off my bucket list on the trip, so grateful......stay tuned

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