Saturday, May 14, 2016


There is nothing better than waking up to the symphony of birds that are right outside our tent. 
Here is the view from our bed....

Off at 6am on our morning game drive, and once again, a spectacular experience. I am running out of adjectives, but everything is just so amazing that I am trying to do justice.

Some of the morning sights....
Sunrise over the Drakensberg mountains.

Meeting at the water cooler....

A herd of about 20 elephants of every size crossed the path in front of us. What an unbelievable sight and sound.

Morning coffee break by the waterhole, baby crocodile behind Tom.

.....note to time the girls want to pee in the bush we will look for anthills first.....enough said.
Back on the bus, coffee break is over

Never in our wildest dreams did we think we would be walking through the African bush looking for cats, but we did and this was our reward.

A grinding stone....hundreds if not a thousand years old.

Back at the lodge for breakfast and then a beautiful walk to the bird hide to view the watering hole. There were over 20 hippos and we caught a couple males sparring.

On the walk back, some of the staff were running around, very excited as they had spotted a leopard. Tom and I couldn't see it but a few of our group did, which is awesome. Now we know they are around and the hunt continues. We are just having some down time before afternoon tea and then out again to see what we can see....stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. You missed a caption for the zebras. "Synchronized sipping". LOVE the hippo shots. Wow.
