Wednesday, May 25, 2016


We spent a night in Maun, which was advertised as a frontier town, but still trying to figure out why. We didn't see any horses, saloons or Marshall Dillon.
We did, however, share an amazing evening with a local women, Bonty Botumlle who is an author and a professional storyteller. She has transformed the property her grandfather left her, into a Cultural Centre where she employs the local teens. We spent 4 1/2 hours ( our latest night yet, we stayed up till after 10!) listening to stories about local customs, watching some amazing dancers who pulled us all up to make fools of ourselves, learned how to drum, and had a great meal under the stars. A trip highlight for sure. One of my favourite things we learned was that in Botswana, when people greet in the morning, they don't say "how did you sleep?", instead they say " how have you risen?" which gives the opportunity to be positive even if you have had a bad night.

Chairs made from old tires, which we all sat on as Bonty talked.

Bonty demonstrating the "learn how to move your hips" skirt given to the "bride to be"...

We had so much fun, dancing and drumming and just letting loose under an amazing full moon. A good time was had by all.....stay tuned.

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