Saturday, May 28, 2016


We spent our last night as a group in Victoria Falls and had a little poolside pizza party. Our guide Solomon joined us for dinner, and so did our Victoria Falls guide, Thembie.  Blair and I were both shocked when the hotel staff came over singing with a beautiful birthday cake with our names on it, to celebrate our 60th birthday. It was a great way to cap off this dream trip with such a great group. We had so many laughs together, I know I will be smiling and chuckling to myself whenever I think of our month together. 
If I had to choose my favourite days, I don't think I could. We had so much fun in Amsterdam, ( it seems so long ago ) and the excitement of finally, after a year of planning, reaching Capetown.

 I loved our visit to the Hope Africa school, and being swarmed by the kids. 

I loved the pre dawn game drives, feeling like a kid again, the excitement of getting up early and wondering what we would see. I loved our bush lunches, with King Solomon bringing out the table cloth and the wonderful food packed by whatever lodge we were at at the time. And as we ate, I loved the animals parading past us, as if they were looking for Noah's Ark....

I loved just sitting still sometimes, and taking in the vastness of the land, the sounds of the wildlife around and saying to myself "remember this". 

I loved the joyfulness that radiates from so many African people, especially when they sing and dance.

"Safari" is Swahili for "journey", and this was a truly incredible journey, and the fact that I got to share it with family and friends was the icing on the cake. When Tom, Jane and I were in Kenya in 2008, Jane said "let's come back to Africa for our 60th birthday". I am so grateful that we were able to keep that promise.
The trip may be over, but we have a lot of memories, pictures and stories to keep us smiling for a long time.
Cheers to the "Awesome, Original Six".....

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely journal, Lynn. It has been wonderful reading your entries and seeing your great images. Thanks for all your work in bringing it to life for us.
