Sunday, September 27, 2015


We are now in Truro, before heading to Halifax. With the super high tides, caused by the Super Moon, we witnessed an amazing tidal bore on the Salmon River. If you are like I was before this trip, and had never heard of a tidal bore, once again I refer you to Mr. google....
tidal bore is a tidal phenomenon in which the leading edge of the incoming tide forms a wave (or waves) of water that travels up a river or narrow bay against the direction of the river or bay's current.

Here are a couple pictures before the bore....3 deers crossed the almost dry river bed....

Here it comes!!!

A really strong wind came up just before the bore, so we didn't really hear it, but it can be very loud. We did however, witness the intense turbulence. The water was just speeding past us, really an amazing act of nature.

The roaring river, about 15 minutes after the wave....

We spent this afternoon in Victoria Park, right in Truro. It is 400 hectares and has many trails, and 2 waterfalls.

Stay tuned.....

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