Monday, September 21, 2015


Yesterday we drove to Cape Forchu to get some great pictures of the lighthouse.....

Ok, not good timing! But the fog lifted after a bit and it was a beautiful spot.
The "apple core " style of the lighthouse caused quite a lot of controversy when it was used to replace the original one that was built in 1840...

The fog eventually lifted a bit and gave us views of the moon like landscape. The rock formations are a result of volcanic eruptions over 400 million years ago.

Luckily I talked him down.

Then off to Digby, a gorgeous little fishing town, famous for the Digby scallops.
My dinner last night, Scallop Kabobs, getting very spoiled with amazing seafood....

We stayed at the Come From Away B&B. The locals will say this when they know you are a visitor..."oh, you come from away".

It was a great spot with the perfect view of the harbour and town,  and a great place to enjoy our morning coffee and start the day.

Today we visited the Historic Gardens in Annapolis Royal.

 My heart was pallipatating as we walked in, it was so beautiful.....Michelle, you will understand.  It showed gardening practices of the area, from the 1600's on. We both loved it.

We also visited the Annapolis Tidal Power Generating plant, very interesting to see how they are using the highest tides in the world to generate power. Altho the power goes into the general grid, it does generate enough to supply 4500 homes.

We are now in Wolfville, staying at yet another great B&B, just a block from the Acadia University. Weather is great after yesterday's fog and drizzle, we are grateful......stay tuned are some great chairs I would like someone to build me..... are a few houses in Annapolis Royal.

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