Thursday, June 12, 2014


We are now in Selcuk, a small town just a couple kilometers away from the ruins at Ephesus.
We just love this town. Fruit farming is big around here, and the farmers all drive their tractors into town. It is not unusual to see 2 or 3 tractors parked half way up the sidewalk, on busy Main Street, and a table full of men sitting drinking coffee and playing Okey, a game similar to rummy, but played with small tiles, like domino tiles.
When we arrived in town yesterday we checked into our amazing boutique hotel.....(a former prison, but the bars are gone, and the rooms are a bit bigger than the average cell) we walked up the hill to see the Basilica of St. John. We were also impressed with all the ancient columns and pillars around town, once used as a trough system for moving aquaduct. The storks seem to love nesting on top of the pillars.
A wonderful thing we have observed here in all the cities and towns we have been through...the cats and dogs have not learned to hate each other. Everywhere you go, you see dogs and cats laying around, on streets, in shops, on carpets for sale in the corner markets. They seem very well cared for, you see restaurant and shop owners feeding them, and they tell us that most have owners, but everyone cares for them. The government takes care of spaying and neutering them. We have so enjoyed them, we have a few here in this hotel, and they are always so eager for a pet and a bit of sweet talk.

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