Saturday, June 7, 2014


Today we spent an amazing day on the gorgeous waters of the Mediterranean Sea. We boarded an authentic Turkish Gulet and headed out on the open waters. We felt very fortunate, there were only the 10 of us, plus our guide on board with the crew, so we had ample room to lounge around, and take in the sun, surf and sights. We pulled into an amazing bay, and had it all to ourselves for the first 1/2 hour or so. We jumped off the boat and swam in the blue green water, so beautiful. We saw sea turtles popping up their heads, checking us out, and after getting back onboard, saw a huge one, just below the water....magical.
We anchored in another bay, this one with ancient ruins all around. We motored over to see the ruins of an ancient Lycian city, Simena which was destroyed in an earthquake in the 3rd century. The castle of the city sat on top of a hill, and after the earthquake, the castle remained and most of the city sank into the Sea. You can see remains of some of the houses and churches, their stairs leading into the water. Our boat had some viewing windows on the bottom, and we were able to see some of the underwater ruins. We also docked and climbed the hill to the top to see the castle remains. It was all so spectacular. We are back on the road tomorrow, headed for another adventure......stay tuned

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