Friday, June 6, 2014


Today we drove along the beautiful, gorgeous, amazing Mediterranean coast.....did I mention how pretty it is? The road is quite windy, and every turn has a little sandy bay, some with one or two sunbathers. We stopped at the little town of Demre, whose claim to fame is this was where Saint Nicholas lived and died. A church was built to house his remains, but in 1087, his tomb was smashed by thieves, and his bones were stolen and taken to Bari, Italy. The thieves only wanted the big bones, and left the small ones, those small ones were stolen in 1100 and taken to Venice. The Turkish government has requested that Italy return the remains to Turkey. We visited the church, and saw the broken tomb. It was several steps down from the street, and the marble and stone work on the floor was beautiful. The church is only used one day a year, on December 6, for The Feast of St. Nicholas.

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