Monday, February 20, 2017


This afternoon was spent experiencing this amazing temple. It sits high up on the Doi Suthep mountain, and has an incredible view of the city. After the 300 stair climb, we were immediatley surrounded by golden beauty.

Our guide was a former monk, and was very passionate about sharing his knowledge of the temple and Buddhism. Thai boys are encouraged to spend time as a monk, once they reach the age of twenty. They can leave anytime they want to resume a normal lifestyle.
We were able to sneak in and receive a blessing (and a bracelet) from a monk, just before he joined the others for their evening chant. That was very special to witness, as they only perform the chanting twice a day, at 4am and 6 pm.

Thanks Debbie, for this great shot (above).

Visiting monks posing for pictures.
A couple adorable girls were playing on the stairs.

Another busy and amazing day. Stay tuned......