Monday, February 27, 2017


Sorry, can't resist....
Good morning Viet nam!
Spent a day and a night cruising Halong Bay. The limestone rock formations, over 3,000 of them are amazing. We had some fog and overcast skies but the scenery was magical just the same. Accommodation and food were outstanding as well.
Our home for the night...

Visited one of the 200 caves...
Me Cung Cave

And then there was the the South China Sea....oh my Buddha....

Had a very fun night of karaoke after a gourmet dinner.
On the drive back to Hanoi, we passed many rice fields filled with people working.  It is planting season. Many are transplanting seedlings, two weeks from planting they are 8-10 inches long. What tough, back breaking work.

These are the seedlings being harvested and replanted in another section.

Back to Hanoi, to the hustle and bustle. Everything happens on the sidewalks, cooking, eating, fires, parking, selling, you name it. We took a cyclo tour through the city at rush hour.
I have never, ever experienced anything like the traffic in Hanoi. There are approximately 8 million people in the city and most have motorbikes. Crossing the street is something else. They tell you, NEVER run, as the drivers wont know where you are going and wont have time to react. It took all my might to suppress the urge to run, but it actually got to be fun. This is the type of traffic you have to step into...

Cyclo tour, a trip highlight for sure.

Thanks to Colin for these great night shots...

This city is crazy, that is the only way to describe it. We had a lot of fun once you get over the shock of the busyness. Next stop, Saigon aka Ho Chi Minh City....stay tuned...

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