Thursday, February 16, 2017


It never ceases to amaze quickly these long haul flights go by. Our first flight was 12 hours and 50 minutes, and I can honestly say, it didn't feel a minute over 13 hours. After a 2 1/2 hour layover in Hong Kong, we were off to Bangkok. 21/2 hour flight, and a 30 minute drive and we were at our hotel. The weather is beautiful, 29 and no humidity that we noticed. We were tired, but it was only early afternoon, so we decided to walk the neighbourhood.

Ray, here is our ice cream man!

The people of Thailand are in mourning, having lost their king late last year. There are tributes and banners everywhere honouring him. 

We had a great time walking up and down the small streets, some like alleys but with traffic. Food carts and stalls selling almost anything lined both sides in spots.  We saw a lot of unrecognizable stuff on the food carts, and although we are definitely game to be adventurous, we didn't feel today was the day to be brave. We found a little restaurant and ordered our first Thai beer.

Yup, I am tired.

We had an amazing meal and enjoyed sitting streetside and people watching.
A casual walk back to the hotel and looking forward to catching up on our sleep. Also looking forward to seeing the sights tomorrow with rested eyes.
Stay tuned....

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