Friday, May 24, 2013


Spent an incredible day exploring Vienna, the capital of Austria. We had a short tour this morning, viewing the riding school and stables of the Lipizzan Stallions. We also toured around the Ringstrasse, lined with palaces and summer grand residences. We visited the medieval inner city and saw St. Stephan's Cathedral ( built between 1263-1511).We sat in one of the oldest coffee houses and sampled the Viennese Sachertorte and fabulous coffee, all the time just soaking in the experience. We walked through a great shopping district, a beautiful park, and decided to walk back to the ship instead of taking the subway. On our way to the ship, we happened upon the Riesenrad...the historical Ferris Wheel originally built in the late 1890's. As Jane said, " when in Rome....." So we paid our 9 euro's and went for a ride. It is different than any other ferris wheel I have been on....not scary, nice and slow, and they had cars that take 12-15 people at a time. They also have cars decked out with dining tables and you can reserve for private parties. We had a great ride, and fabulous views of this beautiful city. Lots of trees, we were told 51% green.
This is a gorgeous city, with lots of horse drawn carriages clip clopping along the streets.
We returned to the ship for dinner and an early night. We leave Austria early tomorrow morning, spend the morning in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia and then sail into Hungary for our fall two days on board......stay tuned

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