Wednesday, October 10, 2012


We said Arrivederci to Italy this morning, and Bonjour to Belgium. Our morning started at 4 am, as we had to catch the boat from Venice to the airport. It was a beautiful, clear and starry morning, so even though it was early, we still enjoyed the boat ride.
It was a short flight to Brussels, and you have to love a country when the first sign you see when you get off the plane is CHOCOLATE!
We had to stop at the Starbucks in the airport, before catching our train into the city. I don't care how many great cappuccino's we have had, I still love my Starbucks.
This afternoon we hit the jackpot for lunch, stopping at a quaint Crepe house, my chicken and banana curry crepe was delicious, Tom opted for the tamer ham, egg and onion crepe. As much as we like pasta, we are ready for some different cuisine. We have also started our chocolate research project, trying some Hazlenut praline in milk chocolate. We will be out shopping for bigger pants tomorrow.
As I type this Tom just walked in with our first Belgian beer, another research project on the go! With almost 200 breweries in the country, we have our work cut out for us.
We walked around the Grand Place today, as it is only a couple blocks from our hotel. We will be doing some more walking and exploring tomorrow. The weather is sunny and cool and we sure feel like we left summer behind in Italy. Stay tuned...

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