Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Just about to end our second day in Venice. What an amazing city....we did so much walking and I am very grateful Tom can read a map because I could never have figured out all the bridges and canals. Today we woke up to rain, so we headed to an amazing Leonardo Da Vinci exhibit. That was one smart man, born way before his time. The skies cleared by noon, so We explored more of the city, and discovered so many interesting neighborhoods. The cruise ships were in, so the main squares were packed, and we tried to keep to the alleys and canals less travelled. Discovered an amazing
church, Santa Maria Gloriosa Dei Farari. A beautiful, peaceful church, it has the status of a "minor" basilica. There were only a half dozen people there when we were there, which made the visit even more peaceful.
We had some delicious pizza from a little hole in the wall place, and when I say that, I really mean a hole in the wall, just walk up to the counter sticking out on the lane, and buy a piece of amazing pizza. Being our last day in Italy, we had to have our last Grom Gelato, the creamiest gelato we have had....and we have had a lot.
Tomorrow we catch an early flight to Brussels, Belgium. Stay tuned.....

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