Friday, February 17, 2017


We decided to have a low key day today. We will be meeting up with our group at dinner tonight. After breakfast we headed out for our first Thai massage. Best 20$ (Canadian) each, we have spent. A 2 hour massage that left us feeling totally relaxed and wonderful. Not sure which part was my favourite, it was either the foot massage that made me feel like a hole opened up at the top of my head and any stress and tension just poured out, or near the end when she was working on my scalp, and it felt like a chicken scratching the ground for food. I hope my shoes still fit, cause I think my toes are longer now.

On our way back, we couldn't help but notice some fine cable work....our telephone friends will appreciate this...

Morning commuter traffic... there are 11 million people in Bangkok and I think they all have a car and a motorcycle or scooter. The lights are long, and the bikes all make their way to the front. When the light turns green, off they go like thunder.

Longtail boat on the river, we will be going on one tomorrow.

If I were to bottle a perfume and name it Eau de Bangkok, it would be the essence of gardenia ( from the flower market) blended with garlic pork (street food) with just a touch of mothball.
Update....met up with the group we will spend the next 18 days with. Seems like a great mix of Canadians, Americans, an Australian, a Brit, and one lady from Germany. Our guide, Zoom Zoom, is from Vietnam. We have a busy day tomorrow, then fly to Chang Mai. Will post again when I can.

1 comment:

  1. I've heard that time spent in Bangkok is immersive. No matter what you do or where you go, you find your senses almost overwhelmed.
