Thursday, February 23, 2017


We are staying in Luang Prabang, a town on the Mekong River. This used to be the capital of the country, and is a Unesco World Heritage Site. 
The town itself is amazing to walk through, the homes and shops right on the road. We found a laundromat that charges $1 us per kg.

Tuk tuk in the driveway

 We visited the Royal Palace Museum, which is fascinating, but unfortunately you cannot take cameras in, so you will have to take my word for it.  There is a room where the gifts from other countries are displayed.  Everyone was impressed, and moved by the gift from the United States, given by Ronald Reagan. It is the Laos flag that was carried on the Apollo mission that landed on the moon, along with a rock taken from the surface of the moon, very special. 
Canada gave a plate, but it's a nice plate.
The paintings on the walls were beautiful. The golden throne, the crowns and huge fans reminded me of movies about Aladdin or Cleopatra.
And of course, we visited the temple beside the palace...

We took a boat ride after lunch, up the Mekong river and stopped at a small village that makes whisky from rice. The samples were delicious.
Tom and Zoom Zoom at the distillery...

This is the whiskey blended with snake and scorpion.

Of course, we had to walk thru the market to get back to the boat...

Love the old wood and shutters

Our next stop on the river was at the Buddha caves, where the locals place statues and pray to Buddha.

We enjoyed the ride up and down the river with great sightings along the way of water buffalo, monk laundry, and more.

Capped off the day with a gorgeous sunset over the Mekong and dinner at the night market......stay tuned

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