Saturday, February 25, 2017


Spent our last day in Luang Prebang walking the city and enjoying the peaceful atmosphere before heading to Hanoi. The people here all seem to be happy and laid back. We crossed a crazy, rickety bamboo bridge across the Nam Khan river. The bridge is up for 6 months a year, but is taken down before the rainy season when the river rises higher than the bridge.

Had to pay this sweet lady a dollar to cross the bridge.

Walked the other side of town, saw another beautiful temple, kids playing, then over a pedestran and motorcycle only bridge.

All these kids need to have fun is a shoe on a rope.

Oh yeah, also found these fish traps but the turned out to be tourist traps....

Family of four on a bike, very common.

So many Asians use umbrellas to shade themselves from the sun, women also use a whitening cream on their skin as they all want pale skin.

And back to our beautiful hotel, Parasol Blanc....a peaceful spot with beautiful gardens.

Our breakfast patio.

This lady is selling little birds in a you can buy them and set them free. Then she will catch them and sell them again.

Off to Hanoi, Vietnam now, stay tuned.....

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