Saturday, May 14, 2016


This afternoons game drive was more off road than on the road. Our tracker spotted a female lion hunting, and off we went into the bush.

Our tracker, Colin sits out in front of the vehicle. 

The driver and the tracker are very respectful of both the vegetation and the animals, but it was quite the ride nonetheless.
It is a testament to their knowledge and abilities, how they find these animals, really interesting to witness.
Sure enough, they found the female in the brush, stalking Impala. They explained to us that she probably would not go after it, as the payoff for exerting all that energy for such a small dinner just wasn't worth it. They were right, the group of Impala eventually caught her scent, warned the gang, and she sat back and closed her eyes. Pretty amazing to watch it all.

Check out all her war wounds.

Before our game drive, National Geographic and G Adventures arranged a guest speaker and we listened to a talk on the big cats of Africa, primarily the cheetah. The conservationist who spoke then came with us on our drive. He was very interesting, and shared lots of his knowledge with us.
Didn't know that the cheetah is the only big cat that doesn't roar, only purrs.

Cape buffalo, love this shot, it's two Buffalo drinking together, but looks like one really strange head

We also saw a few more huge rhinos but didn't get a good shot. I have to keep reminding myself to put the camera down and just watch.

View from our deck looking at the wildlife over at Jane and Kim's.

Warthogs right below our deck.

Another great day, capped off with dinner around the fire. Now off to bed to read tonight's bedtime story...The King of the African Jungle.....stay tuned


  1. How wonderful to read your blog each day. What an amazing adventure. Thank you so much!

  2. Terrific shots and a great narrative to support them. Thanks! Hey...aren't those animals on the wrong side of the fence at Jane and Kim's???? And is that the same with the warthogs? Do you think I could feed and pet a warthog on my deck if I lived in Africa just like I do with my raccoon here on Toronto?? :-)
