Sunday, May 1, 2016


Our motley crew.

Amsterdam, oh how we have missed you! This city is just as beautiful as the memories I have of past visits. Our 9 hour flight was uneventful....always a good thing....and as we approached Amsterdam, the views of the tulip fields below were spectacular. Fields that looked like coloured runways, striped flags with red, pink, orange, purple, yellow, just stunning. I believe it is nearing the end of the season, but I couldn't imagine it being any more beautiful. We took the train from the airport into the city, and exited into gorgeous sunshine.
 There are remnants of celebrations throughout the city, as the Dutch celebrated their King's birthday on April 27. The crowds seem to remain though, it is more crowded than we ever remember. 
We spent the day wandering aimlessly, enjoying the sites and sounds.

View from our room.
This is our B&B......Tom is in the window of our room, top right corner......yes, that little dot you can barely see, that's him.


When the wheels of cheese are as big as the wheels on the bikes..

When the coffee shops aren't really coffee shops...

And when we find ourselves slurping our first taste of liqueur from our favourite little bar in Amsterdam, the Wynand Fockink. The glass is poured so full that tradition, (and common sense, cause you don't want to spill a drop) says you have to bend down and slurp your first sip. This bar has been open since the the mid 1600's.

And now for some much needed rest....stay tuned

1 comment:

  1. Will always be one of our favourite cities. Great pictures Lynn.
