Monday, September 21, 2015


Yesterday, we settled into our new B&B.....the Stella Rose. No one was home, but the door was unlocked, so we found a nice room and unpacked.....hope we are in the right house.

We walked a couple blocks into town, stopping to check out the neighborhood....

Love a walk through an old cemetery, it's a great place to let your imagination wander.....and wonder.

We found a great little Irish pub, with a local band, the Hupman Brothers, an excellent Blues Rock band. Was a fun evening.

Today, we headed up the road to check out the area. Beautiful scenic drive through farmlands and vineyards. Found a few roadside stands, 

bought a bag of Gravensteins apples, haven't seen them for years but they were Mom's favorite. 

Drove up to Blomidon Provincial Park to see the red rock, where you can take the stairs down to the beach....why are there twice as many when you are climbing back up?

Searching for the perfect rock

A few shots from stops along the way

On to Halls Harbour for an order of fish and chips for lunch at The Lobster Pound. We were there at low tide, as you can see by the boats sitting at the bottom of the harbour.  The Bay of's a few facts I googled for you.......over 160 billion tonnes of water move in and out of the Bay of Fundy, every day, twice a day.  That’s more than the combined flow of all the freshwater rivers on our planet. It’s also home to the highest recorded tides in the world, according to the Guinness Book of World Records. 

Our last stop was at Luckett Winery, 

a great way to cap off the drive. The fellow that owns the winery is British, and when he was a kid, if he was a bad boy, his Mom would make him go sit in the phone box for his time out. When he opened this winery in 2010, he had a phone booth sent over from England and placed in his vineyard. Guests can make a call to anywhere in North America. 

His best selling wine is a red blend called.....of course...."Phone Box".  When we were walking back to our car after our wine tasting, we were admiring the beautiful gardens, and started chatting with the fellow that was watering and weeding....turned out it was Pete, the owner.
Just resting up now before heading to the Naked Crepe for dinner.....stay tuned

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