Saturday, September 26, 2015


This museum is full of photographs, inventions, and stories about this amazing and brilliant man.
As well as the telephone, and a million other things, he achieved the first controlled powered flight in Canada with his airplane The Silver Dart, a hydrofoil that broke marine speed records, and bred the six nippled sheep.....really. 
His work with the deaf introduced him to his future wife, Mabel. He also designed and built hearing aids......the list goes on and on.

In the picture below, the brass horn with the long black tubing....a hearing aid....would be hard to hide that under your hair.

If he could only see the cell phones now.

This is a model of the HD-4, Bell's hydrofoil that set a speed record of 70.86 miles per hour.

This is what is left of the original hull, which was left for years, on the beach near his home.

Hmmmm, great ideas.....

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