Wednesday, March 8, 2017


After our temple marathon, we opted for a change of scenery and headed into the countryside to visit a rural fishing village. Along the way we stopped for a snack of sticky rice, baked with black beans, over coals in a piece of bamboo.

Fishing village....

Fish drying on racks on the ground.

River is low as it is the dry season.

Monk laundry across the river....

Family home...

Next up, a floating village on Lake Tonle Sap. This was incredible to see. 


The recycling depot...

Kids playing in their front yard...

And then, because we were so close, we visited another temple. Beng Mealea is in the jungle and very overgrown. It was bombed during the Viet nam war and is not being restored. We were told one of the Indiana Jones movies was filmed here but not sure about that. The late afternoon lighting made it look mysterious and magical.

Our final day together as "The Sticky Rice Gang" ended with a great dinner and a visit to the Cambodian circus. 
We are spending four glorious days by the pool before flying to Hong Kong.

Stay tuned....

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