Monday, March 13, 2017


Wow, there are a few people in this city.....and for a moment, I thought Supergirl was one of them. One of our first street experiences, literally 2 or 3 minutes on the street, and we saw a woman rush into a phone booth ( clear plexiglass on three sides) and start taking off her pants. I am thinking, OMG, Supergirl lives in Hong Kong, but no......she just had to pee.....and she was out of that booth, fully dressed to join us at the crosswalk before the light changed. Good morning Hong Kong.
We have spent 2 days in the city exploring. The first day on foot, and today we bought a day pass for the train.
We took the Star ferry over to Hong Kong Island and wandered around. 

We rode the Ferris Wheel/Observation Eye on the boardwalk,

and took the tram/funicular up the Peak to get some great views. Would have been better if  it had been clearer, but even with the clouds you could see for miles.

Escalators to get to observation deck.....

Yesterday, being Sunday, we saw first hand what Jill and Mike had told us about. All the maids, nannies and hired help get Sunday off and congregate with their friends.....everywhere. In parks, on sidewalks, overhead pedestrian walkways. There were thousands of picnics and dance parties being had everywhere in the city. Most are from the Philippines or Indonesia.

We also found some interesting stairways....

And one in the making....

We found Kowloon Park.....and more nannies.....

Hong Kong Park....

As well as some great streets and markets....

We had our last dinner down on the waterfront, watching the laser show that is projected from various skyscrapers out over the harbour. The skyline of Hong Kong Island was stunning, with so many of the buildings lit up, multi coloured, or with different designs flashing. It could have been a perfect picture to end the blog, if only I had remembered to put my battery back in my camera!!!
I borrowed this pic from the internet, but this is exactly what we saw, so pretty.

Stay tuned....

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