Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Had a great flight from Vancouver to Amsterdam, connecting to Rome, and arriving late afternoon at our hotel. It was raining when we arrived, but knowing we were in Rome, and realizing all that awaits us, the weather just didn't matter.
Jane and Donna arrived a couple of hours after us, and off we went to dinner to Mama Angela's.... A great  little neighborhood trattoria with tables on the sidewalk.....luckily the rain had stopped to give us the perfect first night experience. Luckily, with Tom's exceptional Italian/Spanish/Swahili lingo, we ordered a fabulous dinner, complete with the best della casa vino Rosso.  We ventured off after dinner to view the Colosseum at night, but after about a kilometer we realized another night might be easier....after all we had been up for about 30 hours. So on our walk back to the hotel, we indulged in some fabulous Italian gelato......chocolate and coffee flavor, will be walking that off tomorrow!
Now ready for some much needed sleep....stay tuned.....Buonanotte

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