Sunday, November 21, 2010


We were up early this morning to catch the 7am train out of Cusco, thru the Andes to Machu Picchu. What a spectacular ride, I thought I would sleep, but no way, every minute of the 3 hr 40min was interesting. We travelled along the Urumbamba river, which eventually flows into the Amazon.  After the train ride we boarded a bus for a 10 min ride up the mountain.  You have never experienced a switch back road til you´ve gone up this one. A few times we met buses coming down, and we had to back up as it is mostly one narrow lane, mountain on one side, cliff on the other.  As we got close to the top, we could see where archeologists are  working to claim more of Machu Picchu back from the jungle.  When we finally reached the top and got off the bus, both Tom and I said that pictures or words cannot do this sacred place justice. It was a warm day, but the clouds rolled in and out to give us a reprieve from the sun every once in awhile. It was pretty special to walk around and just try to imagine what went on here all those years ago - 1450 - 1540 AD.  We were amazed at the techniques the Inca people used when building this city, they carved water troughs, carved holes in the rocks for drainage. And the size of the rocks, the poor people that had to bring them up the hill, altho they also had a quarry near the top as well.
After a great day, we boarded the train and got off in Ollantaytambo in the Sacred Valley to spend the night. We will head back to Cusco tomorrow afternoon for our last couple days.  So hard to believe this trip is almost over. May not post again, as the computer-internet at our hotel in Cusco and I dont get along  very well.

To quote one of the ladies on the bus  " You must take this place from your head and keep it in your heart."

See you all soon.....

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