Wednesday, November 10, 2010

2nd attempt at 1st day

ok, i never said i would be good at this, no more attempts at capital letters, brackets or any other of that fancy stuff....all the prompts and screens are in spanish, so a bit tricky.  We walked down to the pacific ocean after breakfast, and the area is very similar to the west end of vancouver, beautiful gardens, expensive shops.  we watched the surfers which was quite entertaining.  it is very foggy - i thought smoggy but tom thought foggy, and apparently he was right - hate it when that happens.  this afternoon we took a city tour - traffic in Lima, amazing, stop signs are just a suggestion.  We went to Oldtown Lima, lots of 16th and 17th century buildings.  We toured a monastery run by Fransiscan monks which was absolutely amazing.  We went underground to the catacombs where there are the bones of 25,000 people, some 400 years old.  was a bit claustrophobic, but well worth it.  Also toured a fabulous church, huge, old and full of history.
So far the only wildlife we have seen are pigeons and vultures, honestly, vultures circling around the church.  the absence of other birds is interesting.
Dinner tonight was at a beautiful local restaurant, we figured we wouldnt need our camera, its only dinner....little did we know Ron was taking us to dine right beside a pre-Incan pyramid.
Tomorrow we have a 7am wakeup call, heading off to the jungle for 4 days, can´t wait.  Will try to post again soon.

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