Friday, May 30, 2014


Tonight we walked, and walked, and walked around our neighborhood. We chatted with merchants, they are so friendly, a few are pushy, but most, if they don't have any other customers, are happy to just talk once they realize you are not buying. We met a really nice young man from Syria, who left his country 2 years ago. When he graduated from university, he was forced to make the decision of joining the army, mandatory 2 years of service, and fight his own people, or leave his country. He had some great stories to share, and I suppose he hoped we would end up buying something, and we probably will go back to see him, but regardless, we thoroughly enjoyed talking to him.
Istanbul is huge!!! Everywhere you look, it is city, city, city as far as the eye can see. There are over 20 million people, 38 million cars, and although it is the 5th biggest city in the world, it is second to Dubai as the busiest.
We found a great little rooftop, "The Sultans Bar" ordered our Efes, and took in the view. We had the Blue Mosque to our right and the Aya Sophia to our left with the Bosphorous Strait in the background. Watching the day disappear and the night lights take over as the sun set.... magical, that is all I can say......stay tuned

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