Saturday, September 22, 2012


We spent this morning touring the Vatican. It is a pretty special place. The ceiling of the Sistine Chapel is incredible, with Michaelangelo's work.... Took him 4 years laying on his back wonder his neck was permanently damaged. He also lost the vision in one eye from paint dripping into it. We then visited St. Peter's Basilica and toured the catacombs below where the previous popes are entombed. The oldest one I noticed was from the late 1200's. This whole area is an absolutely amazing place to visit, but we all found it a bit overwhelming with information overload. After our tour, We took the metro to Villa Borghese Gardens and sat for a few hours unwinding, it was a great way to spend an afternoon....sipping on "Oscar winning" Italian beer ( according to the waiter).
We have just returned to our hotel to regroup, repack and get ready for our drive to Orvieto tomorrow. After spending 4 days watching how the Italians drive, this is going to be an interesting day. Heading out for our final dinner in Rome ...... Stay tuned

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